Monday, August 20, 2012

Reese's Pieces

Of course for all of my complaining about how unbearable August is and how terrible the summer heat is then it rained here in Atlanta almost everyday last week.  Which, has made being outside almost pleasant (if not for the mosquito bites I continue to get because everything is so damp).  And honestly, considering how much I hate August, I can't believe it's flown by so quickly.  I mean, we're already more than half way through!  While I know there will continue to be hot, unbearable days, I am hoping to have a few that are just right.  And wouldn't this be the perfect place to sit and enjoy one?

This is actually an image of Reese Witherspoon's Ojai, California home's terrace.  Here are some more shots of her interiors which are beautiful.  Supposedly her former co-star Rob Pattinson spent a couple of days at this home recuperating from his break up with Kristen Stewart.  I wouldn't mind spending a few days here at all.  Enjoy!

(images via Elle Decor)

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