Monday, September 17, 2012

Light Up Your Life

If you have ever seen my apartment you know I have a love for any and all things Pottery Barn.  I can't help it, it's all so wonderful.  In fact, every time I get a new catalogue (which is more often than not) I tear pages and pages of inspiration to save.  However on the rare occasions that I actually look through those tear sheets, I realize I've cut out the same rooms over and over again.  One of the recurring items I covet is their iron and bronze chandeliers.  While these have crystal embellishments, they seem more down to earth and less fussy than the average crystal chandelier.  I love the idea of these lighting fixtures in entry ways and dining rooms or kitchen nooks.  I think it's a great way to add elegance without going over the top.

Which is your favorite?

Bellora Chandelier

Camilla Chandelier

Celeste Chandelier

(images via Pottery Barn)

1 comment:

  1. I like them all. They are very nice and unique in style as well.

    Find out more: Retro Chandelier
